Progressive Retinal Atrophy

Progressive Retinal Atrophy PRA is a disease of the retina. This tissue, located inside the back of the eye, contains specialized cells called photoreceptors that absorb the light focused on them by the eyes lens, and converts that light, through a series of chemical reactions into electrical nerve signals.The nerve signals from the retina are passed by the optic nerve to the brain where they are perceived as vision. The retinal photoreceptors are specialized into rods, for vision in dim light (night vision), and cones for vision in bright light (day and color vision). PRA usually affects the rods initially, and then cones in later stages of the disease. In human families, the diseases equivalent to PRA (in dogs) are termed retinitis pigmentosa.
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“EYE is called WINDOW of the BRAIN”. So, for any neurological examination of the patient with ophthalmic examination is must. Specific Neuro-opthalmic Diseases and Syndromes are Internal Opthalmoplegia, Horner’s Syndrome, Haw’s Syndrome, Neurotrophic keratitis and Hippus or rhythmic pupillary oscillations. ....  Read More


Lameness is an indication of a structural or functional disorder in one or more limbs, which may be manifested during progression or in standing position. Also called as Claudication. Lameness is a common veterinary problem in racehorses, sport horses, and pleasure horses. It is one of the most costly health problems for the equine industry, both monetarily for the cost of diagnosis and treatment, and for the cost of time off resulting in loss-of-use. ....  Read More

Intramedullary Pinning in Dog

Intra-medullary Pinning means insertion of pin within the medullary cavity. Intramedullary fixations is the most readily used system of internal fixation in small animals. The devices used in veterinary practices include Steinmann Pin, Multiple-Steinmann Pin, Rush Pins, and Kuntscher nails. ....  Read More

Hanging pin cast

Indications for hanging pin cast are closed fractures of tibia and radius and ulna in large heavy animals where plaster cast alone cannot provide adequate stability because of the heavy musculature in the proximal area. Equipments required are Bone drill, Steinmann pins of different diameters, pin cutter, rasps and pin bender. All equipments and things required for plaster cast application. ....  Read More