Surgical conditions affecting the Teeth

Dental tartar is greyish brown or greyish yellow deposit seen accumulating on the teeth. It is composed of carbonate, phosphate, organic matter, bacteria and mucous.
Caries is progressive destruction of the tooth substance. It is caused by bacterial activity which is favoured by accumulation of food particles on the tooth. When the disease is advanced the pulp cavity may involved.
Odontoma (dental tumor) is composed of tooth tissue. It originates from the tooth. It is rarely observed in cattle, buffalo and sheep. The tumor may occupy a position anywhere in the mandible or maxilla but mostly lower jaw is involved.
Tumors originating from the gums and alveoli are called epulis. It is most commonly seen in dogs. The tumors is firm and hard in consistency may be grey pink or bright red and is located at gingival margin.
Dental fistula is produced by communication of the root of a tooth with the outside.
Alveolar periostitis is inflammation of alveolar periosteum. Commonly seen in dogs than Horses & Cattle.
Congenital abnormalities are Prognatism, Brachygnathism, Supernumerary teeth, Wave mouth and Step mouth.
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