Candidiasis: Candida albicans mostly found in GIT, respiratory tract, buccal cavity & vaginal tract. In cattle it produce abortion and mastitis, vaginal candidiasis is most common in clinical infection. It produce thrush in poultry. Organism produce mucoid colony on SDA agar.
Aspergilosis: Aspergilosis is considered as most important infectious disease of birds. Aspergillus fumigatus is pathogenic and produce brooder pneumonia in chicks and abortion in cattle and buffalo. Major portal of entry is respiratory tract.
Cryptococcosis: Cryptococcus neoformans causes primary infection in lungs, Cryptococcus meningitis is most common disseminated manifestation, it can spread to skin, bone and prostate. In dog and cat it causes disease of Central Nervous System.
Dermatophytosis: Ringworm disease of nails, hair and/or stratum corneum of skin caused by fungi called Dermatophytes. Etiological agent is Dermatophytes. Microsporum, Trychophyton, Epidermophyton are involved in ringworm.
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