Different inclusion bodies found in infected cells

Certain viruses produce inclusion bodies in the infected cells. Inclusion bodies are generally aggregation of virus particles in the cells infected with virus and they can be observed under the ordinary microscope. ....  Read More

Avian encephalomyelitis

Avian encephalomyelitis is a disease of chicks caused by a picornavirus and characterized by muscle tremors, blindness, incoordination of movements, grayish spots in muscles of gizzard and proventriculus and proliferation of microglial cells in brain. ....  Read More

Viral nephritis in poultry

Viral nephritis is caused by an enterovirus characterized by nephropathy deposition of urates, lymphofollicular reaction and poor growth in broilers particularly at the age of 1-4 weeks. ....  Read More

Reovirus infections in fowl

Reovirus infections- Avian stunting syndrome/ viral arthritis/ Tenosynovitis is a disease of adult birds of heavy breeds or parent stock caused by reovirus and characterized by swelling of hock joints, lameness and high morbidity with low mortality. After oral infection, the virus settles in joints of the birds. ....  Read More